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Oceana Ocean Hero....

Jamal Galves is a manatee rescuer, conservationist and research biologist, who has been passionate about them since he was 11 yrs old. Efforts to Safeguard the Antillean Manatees of Belize is the name of the conservation program he works in. He used to volunteer at first but they gave him a job later.

For his efforts, he has been named an Oceana Ocean Hero, Belize National Hero, and World Wildlife Fund Planet Hero. He is working on conserving the endangered Antillean manatees of Belize. Manatees are no longer endangered but are classified as threatened. Manatees were poached but that was changed by collsions and habitat loss. His crew and him are doing such great job saving them so, thank you.... go follow him and give him a lot of appreciation.

- Kara

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